About Me

Yooooo!! My name is Greg Cusack, and I am from Santa Barbara, California. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder in December 2022. I worked in the Network and Security Systems Research (NSR) Lab advised by Dr. Eric Keller. I received Bachelor’s degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering at Santa Clara University advised by Dr. Aleksandar Zecevic and Dr. Darren Atkinson, respectively. I spent a year in the Circuits & Embedded Systems Masters Program at the University of California, Los Angeles in the 2016-2017 school year before transfering to the University of Colorado. My research is focused in the area of distributed networked systems, security, and programmable infrastructure. Current projects include improving the performance and efficiency of large-scale, container-based applications. I’m in the process of developing smart contract-backed BGP infrastructure with Karl Olson. Previous work includes implementing performance critical applications on high-rate stream processors and P4-swiches. I have also built applications for secure enclaves (e.g. SGX). Earlier on in my research career I spent time designing network intrusion detection systems to identify ransomware via its network traffic signature.

Key Areas of My Research


Other Fun Info

When I’m not in the lab, you can find me skiing, snowboarding, surfing (in Santa Barbara), running, biking, and literally just vibing. Former CU Triathlon athlete. As an undergrad, I played four years of rugby for Santa Clara University as a member of the SCUTS.

Email: gregory [-dot-] cusack [-at-] colorado [-dot-] edu